The 10201/2/1 fail-safe digital output module provides eight 24 Vdc, 550 mA output channels, which can drive loads up to 13 W. These loads can be either resistive (e.g., lamps) or inductive (e.g., solenoids). For inductive loads, the module includes a suppression diode on each output. Furthermore, all outputs, including the suppression diodes, are fully tested and can therefore be used in fail-safe applications.
Within the configured process safety time, the outputs are tested to ensure the following:
- Ability to de-energize the outputs;
- Ability to de-energize the group (via secondary means);
- Crosstalk between outputs;
- Functionality of the suppression diodes.
The outputs are divided into two groups of four outputs each. Each group has its own secondary means of de-energization, which improves shutdown selectivity in case of a channel failure. Moreover, the secondary means of de-energization allows the watchdog and/or processor to de-energize the outputs, regardless of the application function result.
Technical Data:
General Specifications:
- Type Number: 10201/2/1 11501*
- Approvals: CE, TÜV, UL
- Software Versions: ≥ 3.00
- Space Requirements: 4 TE, 3 HE (= 4 HP, 3U)
Power Requirements:
- 5 Vdc: 25 mA
- 24 Vdc Internal: 25 mA
- 24 Vdc External: 70 mA (without output load)
Output Specifications:
- Number of Output Channels: 8
- Output Specification: 24 Vdc solid-state source, short-circuit proof
- Maximum Current: 550 mA* (see ‘FSC output modules’ data sheet)
- Maximum Lamp Load: 120 mA (2.9 W)*
- Maximum Load Capacitance: 1 µF
- Voltage Drop: < 2.0 Vdc at 500 mA*
- Off Current: < 0.1 mA
- WDG Input Current: 8 mA
Key Coding:
- Module Code: Holes A9, C9
- Rack Code: Large Pins A9, C9
- Note: The 10201/2/1 modules with suffix code 11500 have a maximum current of at least 450 mA, a maximum lamp load of 100 mA (2.4 W), and a voltage drop of < 2.0 Vdc at 400 mA.
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