The NFDV551-P11 is a 32-channel digital output module from Yokogawa. It outputs transistor contact signals and operates with a rated applied voltage of 24 V DC. In addition, the module delivers reliable performance in industrial environments, featuring flexible power supply options, fast response times, and robust isolation.
Key Features
- Rated Applied Voltage: The module operates at 24 V DC.
- Load Voltage: It supports 24 V DC with 50 mA per channel.
- Field Power Supply Voltage Range: The module accepts a voltage range from 20.4 V to 26.4 V DC.
- Output ON Voltage: The output ON voltage is capped at 2 V DC.
- Leak Current (Output OFF): The leak current is minimal, less than 0.1 mA.
- Output Format: This module uses a current sink output, ensuring efficient signal transfer.
- Maximum Load Current: Each channel can handle up to 100 mA at 26.4 V DC.
- Withstanding Voltage:
- For output signal and system: It withstands 2000 V AC for 1 minute.
- Between commons: The module withstands 500 V AC for 1 minute, with common minus side every 16 channels.
- Status Output: The module provides ON/OFF status output functionality, allowing quick system status checks.
- Output Fallback Options: You can configure the fallback action as follows:
- HOLD: The current output state remains unchanged during fallback.
- OFF: All output channels reset to OFF during fallback.
- NO: No fallback action occurs.
- Output Response Time: The module responds in 3 ms or less for status output, ensuring fast and efficient signal processing.
Current Consumption
- Maximum Consumption: The module requires 700 mA at 5 V DC.
- Field Power Supply: It consumes 60 mA at 24 V DC from the field power supply.
The module weighs 0.2 kg, making it lightweight and easy to handle during installation.
External Connections
- Pressure Clamp Terminal: Easy to connect and secure, ensuring reliable operation.
- MIL Connector Cable: The module supports MIL connector cables; however, the withstanding voltage depends on the electrical specifications of the connected cable.
Important Notes
- Field Power Supply: An external 24 V DC field power supply is required for operation.
- Diode Connection: A diode must be connected when driving DC relays to protect the system.
- Fallback Detection Time: The fallback detection time is 4 seconds.
- Fallback Settings: You must choose the fallback action (HOLD, OFF, or NO) for all channels.
Model and Suffix Codes
- Model: NFDV551, 32-channel, 24 V DC, Isolated Digital Output Module.
- Suffix Codes:
- -P: Standard type.
- 1: Includes ISA Standard G3 option.
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