Technical specifications
Device Type: DD Servo Actuator (Direct Drive Servo Actuator)
Model: UM210C10AA
Suffix: -2SAN / 01S0668
Power Supply: 200-230VAC, 50/60Hz
Serial Number: 203LD20490L3
Manufacturer: Yokogawa Electric Corporation (YOKOGAWA)
Country of Origin: Japan
Device Type: Linear Servo Drive (LINEAR SERV)
Interfaces and Connections:
- RS-232 Interface: For serial communication, potentially used for parameter settings or data transfer.
- TB1 and TB2 Terminals: Connectors for motor, power supply, and other peripheral devices.
- Additional Interfaces: Other connectors like CN1, CN2, CN3, and CN4 are visible, and their functions are detailed in the device manual.
Indicators and Switches:
- GRDY, EPRDY, BUSY Indicators: Indicate various statuses of the servo drive, such as ready state or errors.
- SW1 Switch: Likely used to select operating modes or functionalities.
Model and Serial Number:
- The serial number 203LD20490L3, located at the bottom, can be used to identify the specific model and specifications of the device.
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